Green Cleaning

green cleaningNAM offers sustainable Green Cleaning methodology that provides low-impact on the environment. Our Green Cleaning systems provide effective and safer methods that improve building indoor air quality and eliminate harsh chemicals. We offers bio-based and Green Seal certified products that can apply towards LEED certification and also provide you with a healthy and sanitary environment.

We also utilize Green Cleaning equipment and tools that minimally impact the indoor air quality and environment. Some of our equipment includes HEPA Filtration vacuums which filter 99.97% of specific particles that have significant impact on the health of tenants and occupants of buildings. NAM also offers micro-fiber rags and micro-fiber dust mop heads as a part of our Green Cleaning program. Micro Fiber cleaning products offer a unique advantage over conventional cotton dust mops and rags in removing three times more dust than conventional cleaning tools. These and many other products combined with extensive Green housekeeping training are offered as part of our custodial operations.

With years of experience in providing Green Housekeeping programs, NAM recognizes and understands the impact cleaning methodology and products has on people and the environment.

(855) 203-6126 ~ PO Box 32551 Santa Fe, NM 87594
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